Information center / Cancer / Maternity / Reproduction / Women's health
Preserving fertility in teen and young adult women with cancer

(Janine Moninger/ Cure Today) — Emma Vivian and her husband were looking forward to 2019. The couple, married for five years, were ready to start a family. But in December 2018, they found themselves sitting numbly at a cancer center as a breast surgeon explained that 29-year-old Vivian had stage 1b triple-positive breast cancer.
The recommended treatment plan included a mastectomy, months of chemotherapy and perhaps immunotherapy or biotherapy, followed by years of estrogen-blocking anastrozole plus Lupron (leuprolide acetate) injections. At the end of the conversation, the doctor cautioned that the cancer treatments meant to save Vivian’s life could affect her ability to have a baby. (…)
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