Information center / Maternity / Pediatrics / Reproduction / Science / Women's health
Having a healthy pregnancy in your 40s

(Robin Elise Weiss/ Very Well Family) –– There is no one perfect time to get pregnant. Many people, though, have often been told that having a baby after you are 35 increases many risks. This might have led you to believe that there are not many people who have babies after this point. However, the truth of the matter is that many people are having babies in their 40s.
If you’re pregnant at 41, 43, or older, you may understandably worry about how your age may impact your pregnancy. Luckily, while the risks of complications are lower in your 20s and 30s, you can have a healthy pregnancy in your 40s, particularly if you are otherwise in good health and get regular prenatal care. Learn more about having a healthy pregnancy in your 40s.
You might be surprised to learn that not only do women have babies in their 40s, but the rate of people having babies in this decade of life has been on the rise since 1985. In 2018, women between the age of 40 and 45 gave birth at the rate of 11.8 babies for every 1,000 women. (…)