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COVID-19 vaccine side effect can seem like breast cancer

The swollen lymph nodes show up on the same side of the body where they received the vaccine and tend to stay swollen for a week or two. Photo: Pexels

(Sarah Jacoby/ Self) — The most common COVID-19 vaccine side effects aren’t particularly surprising: arm pain, fatigue, maybe a mild fever. But experts want the public to be aware that one lesser-known side effect of the vaccines might cause symptoms that are similar to warning signs of breast cancer.

A small number of people have developed lymphadenopathy (meaning swollen or tender lymph nodes) in their armpit within a few days of receiving the vaccine.

The swollen lymph nodes show up on the same side of the body where they received the vaccine and tend to stay swollen for a week or two, Christine Edmonds, M.D., assistant professor of radiology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, tells SELF. According to data from the clinical trials, about 11% of people who received the Moderna vaccine experienced this side effect after their first dose and 16% experienced it after their second dose. (…)

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