Information center / Breast cancer / Cancer / Prevention / Women's health
Breast cancer affects young women too, says Quebec Cancer Foundation

(Yahoo News) — Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Quebec women aged 30 to 49, yet there is little awareness-raising among them.
The Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation (QBCF) is proud to launch a new awareness-raising campaign for young women. Named Breast Cancer Isn’t Just for Boomers, the campaign aims to promote mindfulness among young women and family doctors about the risks of breast cancer in women aged 30 to 49. The campaign will run throughout Quebec from March 14 to April 24.
“In recent years, we at the Foundation have noticed that younger and younger women are being diagnosed with breast cancer,” says Karine-Iseult Ippersiel, QBCF President and CEO. “The situation is worrisome and we feel it is our duty to act and to share information so that young women become concerned about the disease earlier and are alert to its signs and symptoms. This is especially important since breast cancer is usually more aggressive in young women.” (…)