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WHO’s plans to create a ‘cervical cancer-free future’

As well as the current vaccination programme, the strategy outlines how to effectively implement cervical screening across the world. Photo: Pexels

(Cancer Research UK) — Last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) announced an ambitious plan: to create a ‘cervical cancer-free future’. The potential reward is huge. If we succeed, cervical cancer will become the first cancer to be ‘eliminated’ on this scale.

But right now, around the world, someone dies every 2 minutes from cervical cancer, with lower resource countries more heavily impacted by the disease.

How do we get from figures like that to a world where cervical cancer is ‘no longer a public health problem’? And why cervical cancer in particular?

To help us unpick the strategy, we spoke to Professor Peter Sasieni, one of our researchers whose work is focused on cancer prevention, screening and early detection. (…)

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