Information center / Breast cancer / Cancer / Women's health
To tell or not to tell about my mastectomy

(Shakay. J. Kizirian/ Cure Today) — “My left breast comes off and at the end of the day I put it in a pretty blue box that I keep on the top shelf of my closet”.
So, how is that for an opening line when you start to date someone?
When I was diagnosed with my first cancer in 1985, at the tender age of 28, my course of treatment was a modified radical mastectomy. The individual I was dating at that time was my ex-husband six years later.
Aside from the normal impact of a divorce such as loss of family, mutual friends, financial and housing considerations, was the deep fear and self-doubt of dating and establishing an intimate relationship again. I remember the tears and sharing with those closest to me “who is ever going to love me with one breast”? (…)
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