(Robert Preidt/ HealthDay) — Sense of smell most often diminishes by the third day of infection with the new coronavirus, and many patients also lose their sense of taste at the same time, a new study finds.
The findings may help identify patients most likely to benefit from antiviral treatment, according to the researchers.
“The relationship between decreased sense of smell and the rest of the COVID-19 is something to be aware of. If someone has a decreased sense of smell with COVID-19, we know they are within the first week of the disease course and there is still another week or two to expect,” said principal investigator Dr. Ahmad Sedaghat of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
His team examined characteristics and symptoms of 103 patients in Switzerland who were diagnosed with COVID-19 over six weeks. The patients were asked how many days they had COVID-19 symptoms and also about the timing and severity of lost or reduced sense of smell, along with other symptoms. (…)
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