(Tim Newman/ Medical News Today) — According to a new study, people who have multiple incidences of a common type of skin cancer are at an increased risk of developing a range of other cancers.
Skin cancer is by far the most common cancer; there are a number of types, the most common being basal cell carcinoma. There are millions of diagnoses each year in the United States.
Our skin is regularly bombarded by ultra violet light, which damages DNA and can eventually lead to cancer. In our cells, there is a range of proteins whose job it is to repair this type of damage.
Catching skin cancer at an early stage is important and, compared with other cancers, relatively easy. Many internal cancers, however, do not produce particularly obvious symptoms until they are at an advanced stage. Because of this, finding ways to predict who might be most at risk is vital.
According to a new study — which now appears in the journal JCI Insight — basal cell carcinoma may help doctors predict who has an increased risk of developing other types of cancer. (…)
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