Information center / General health / Lifestyle / Maternity / Women's health
How to make time for exercise when you’re a busy mom
(Sarah Ezrin/ Motherly) — Exercise is one of the first things that gets sacrificed when I’m in the thick of parenting. I have two boys under three, so finding time to exercise and leaving the house for my favorite spin class can not only be impractical, it can be impossible.
If I workout at home, I am climbed on like a piece of playground equipment or regularly tapped for snack requests. Maternal mental health advocate, Libby Ward (@diaryofanhonestmom), humorously captured these realities in a recent TikTok video, adding in the decision-fatigue of having to pick your workout and the likelihood of peeing yourself when you finally do get moving.
I anticipated getting creative when playing make believe games. I did not expect that some of the most creative work I would do as a mom is figuring out how to weave exercise into my busy day. (…)