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Cervical cancer is preventable, and Ciara Is spreading the word

After learning about how lethal the lack of screening can be for Black women, Ciara wanted to use her platform to inform about self-care through reproductive health.

(Jane McKenzie/ Glamour Magazine) — Let’s be honest: Many of us have been putting off getting Pap and HPV exams for cervical cancer because of the pandemic. We get it. But a new campaign from the Black Women’s Health Imperative, Hologic’s Project Health Equality, and Grammy-winning singer Ciara is here to put you back on schedule with your ob-gyn.

To Linda Goler Blount, president and CEO of the Black Women’s Health Imperative, having the artist as the campaign face was important because it meant speaking to Black women “the way they talk among themselves about their health.”

While Ciara may not be a medical professional, you don’t need to be a doctor to know it’s important to schedule your screening and prioritize your health. (…)

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