Information center / Cancer / Prevention / Women's health
Cervical cancer: don’t miss your smear test during lockdown

(Kate Thomas/ Hello! Magazine) — We’ve all been guilty of forgoing medical appointments over the last year – after all, we’re in the midst of a global pandemic! But when your NHS letter comes through your door inviting you for a smear test, don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and book an appointment.
COVID-19 anxiety about visiting your GP surgery and the fear of “wasting” key workers’ precious time are common – but shouldn’t come at the detriment of your own sexual health.
Following on from Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician Dr Shree Datta, who works for intimate healthcare brand INTIMINA UK, told HELLO! why getting your smear test is more vital than ever. (…)
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