Information center / Breast cancer / Cancer / General health / Prevention
Breast cancer survivors draw strength from teamwork

(Mary Jacobs/ Dallas Morning News) — When she was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time in 1996, Debbie Bunch Kehoe fell into a pity party. She joined a support group, but that just depressed her more. Linda McCartney’s death from the same disease was in the news; Kehoe was terrified.
Then she discovered Pink Phoenix, a dragon boating team based in Portland, Ore., and the first in the U.S. made up entirely of breast cancer survivors.
“I saw this dragon boat full of women in pink life vests, paddling together in sync,” says Kehoe, who lived in Portland at the time. “That empowered me. I knew I could survive and I could fight, and it didn’t mean my life was over.” (…)
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