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18 ways to de-stress while at work

“When stress overtakes you and pulls you out of your job, this alert signal can bring you back into balance.”

(Deanna Ritchie/ Entrepreneur) –– Did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? Why would stress awareness be so important that an entire month is dedicated to its understanding? Well, nearly 8 in 10 Americans feel stressed weekly.

Specifically, many studies have shown that job stress is by far the most common source of stress for American adults and that the problem has escalated steadily over the past few decades. In addition, increased rates of heart attacks, hypertension, and other disorders have been found to correlate with increased levels of job stress, as measured by the perception of little control but lots of demands.

There is, however, some good news. It’s possible to destress right from your desk. Don’t believe me? Try these 18 stress busters the next time you feel under pressure. (…)
